Make money with google Adsense

Make money with your blog

Show ads on your blog with Ad Sense

Ad Sense displays ads related to the content of your posts.
Blogger uses your Ad Sense account to automatically create and place ad codes on your blog.

Start showing ads

  1. On the Blogger dashboard, click the blog you want to run ads on.
  2. In the left menu, select Earnings > Ad Sense.
  3. Sign up for Ad Sense, if you haven’t yet.
  4. Select to use your existing Google Account or create a new one.
  5. Complete the application form, review the information, then agree to terms and conditions.
  6. Wait for your application to be approved.

Show ads between your posts

  1. On the Blogger dashboard, click the blog to control your ads.
  2. In the left menu, click Layout.
  3. In Blog Posts, click Edit.
  4. In the window that appears, check "Show Ads Between Posts."
  5. Set the ad format, colors, and how often ads should appear after your posts.
  6. Click Save.

Manage your ads and earnings

To see your earnings report,
  1. Sign in to Blogger
  2. Select the blog.
  3. Click View Dashboard.

Best windows 10 features with images

The Best New Features of Windows 10

Windows 10 finally arrives! While the roll out will come in waves, we’ve been running the Insider Preview for months. Here are some of the best features you can look forward to when you decide to upgrade.

The Start Menu:

The Icon based organization has been left behind in favor of a favorites search
based organization. You can start typing as soon as you open the Start menu to find an app and launch it by name. You can click  All Apps to see a list of everything that’s in your Start Menu, though it will show up as an alphabetical list that may be hard to sift through if you’re used to folders.

You Can Add Multiple Desktops

Microsoft is finally adding the ability to create and manage multiple desktops. You can add new desktops, quickly move windows between them, and jump between desktops by pressing Win-Tab. 

Windows Now Has a Central Notification Center:

The notification tray also has links to various useful features like the Windows 10 Settings app, Other settings, and quick toggles for things like location and Quiet Mode. If you have a Windows connected to a touchscreen, there’s also a button to quickly switch between and tablet modes.

security suggestion with Kevin Mitnick

1> Back up everything! You are not invulnerable. Catastrophic data loss can happen to you, one worm or Trojan is all it takes.  
2> Choose passwords that are reasonably hard to guess -- don't just append a few numbers to a no-brainer. Always change default passwords.

3> Use an antivirus product like AVG or Norton, and set it to update daily.

4> Update your OS religiously and be vigilant in applying all security patches released by the software manufacturer. 

5> Avoid hacker-bait apps like Internet Explorer and disable automatic scripting on your e-mail client. 

6> Use encryption software like PGP (pretty good privacy) when sending sensitive e-mail. You can also use it to protect your entire hard drive. 

7> Install a spyware detection app or even several. Programs that can be set to run frequently, like Spy Crop, are ideal. 

8> Use a personal firewall. Configure it to prevent other computers, networks and sites from connecting to you, and specify which programs are allowed to connect to the net automatically. 

9> Disable any system services you're not using, especially apps that could give others remote access to your computer (like Remote Desktop, RealV

NC and Net BIOS).

10> Secure your wireless networks. At home, enable WPA (Wi-Fi protected access) with a password of at least 20 characters. Configure your laptop to connect in Infrastructure mode only, and don't add networks unless they use WPA.

How to hack WiFi through Kali linux

KALI LINUX is a Debian-based Linux distribution aimed at advanced Penetration Testing and Security Auditing.
 Kali contains several hundred tools aimed at various information security tasks, such                          as  Penetration Testing,Forensics and Reverse Engineering. Kali Linux is developed,funded and maintained by Offensive Security, a leading information security training

THANK U....... 

How to secure your computer & laptop

----   secure your computer & laptop   ----

//  secure your computer & laptop through C-SCU course    //

1. Install Anti-Virus Software
2. Update All Software
3. Install only Trusted Software
4. Avoid P2P File Sharing Software
5. Delete Unknown Emails
6. Do not click on Ads 
7. Run Virus Scans Regularly
8. Be careful what you attach to your compute
9. Avoid Shady Web Sites
10. Turn On or Install a Firewall
11. Secure Your Wireless Network
12. Use a Complex Password for Login

Thank u.....

What is computer hardware with images

Computer hardware

is the collection of physical parts of a computer system. This includes the computer case, monitor, keyboard, and mouse. It also includes all the parts inside the computercase, such as the hard disk drive, motherboard, video card, and many others. Computer hardware is what you can physically touch.

what is six sense technology

Company TED (Technology,Entertainment, Design) or of Pranav Mistry
and his ‘SixthSense Technology’ but it is thought by many that this technology will
“change the whole dynamic of how the digital world and the real world operates”. Pranav Mistry, currently a research assistant and PhDcandidate at the MIT media lab, is the creator of the SixthSense technology which is

agestural interface design that augments the physical 

world with digital information.

The SixthSense is a portable device that the

user his or her neck and is comprised of a camera, a mini projector, colored
markers [also smart phone]. The camera is set to the movements of the
colored markers that the user has on their fingers motion sign and sends the information to the
mobile to be process. it can also take
pictures and record videos. The colored
markers that the user wears on their finger motion
are comprised of red, yellow, green, and blue
cello tapes which are tracked using algorithms.
Finally, the projector displays the data onto any surface.

The Sixth Sense Technology devices :

1. Camera, Colour Marker.
2. Mobile Component.
3. Projector.
4. Mirror.


The camera recognizes individuals, images, pictures, gestures that user makes with his hand. 
The camera then sends this data to a smart phone for processing.

2. Colour marker.

Marking the person fingers with red, yellow, green and blue coloured tape helps the webcam to recognize the hand gestures. 
The movements and arrangement of these markers are interpreted into gestures that act as an interaction instruction 
for the projected application interfaces.

3.Mobile parts & component.

The smartphone searches the web and interprets the hand gestures with the help of the coloured markers placed at
 the finger tips.  the work throught the c++ algoritham. projector. 

The projector projects the visual information enabling surfaces and physical objects to be used as interfaces. 
The projector itself consists of batteries which have 3 hours of battery life. A Tiny LED projector displays 
the data sent from the smartphone on any surface in view-object, wall or person.The downward facing projector 
projects the image on to a mirror.
IN the projector 50,000 something line code c/c++ lenguages.


The usage of a mirror is important as the mini projector dangles pointing downward from the neck. 
The mirror reflects the photo on to a desire wall or any surface. Thus finally the digital photo/image is freed from 
its confines and placed in the wall or any surface.



  •  Make a Calling: This technology enables the user to call without using the  dealer.
  •  The dealer will be projected as soon as user brings the any surface in front of  the device. 
  •  The user does not need a mobile phone to make the call rather the virtual      keypad it projected on the surface.
  •  Get Flight Updates: The device can also tell the user whether the flight is  delayed
  •  or is on time by looking at the ticket.
  •  Book Details: for the book lovers it had proved to be a blessing as you just  open
  •  any book and find the ratings of the book, also move to any page and get  additional information.
  •  this functionalities of sixth sense technology ever details of book there show. like -- book price,book author,etc..


How to make money on autopilot with step by step

Step 1: Make a HitLeap account.
Step 2: On the HitLeap website click at “Traffic Exchange” and Download the viewer application.
Alternatively, you can run it in your browser but it a lot more practical and safer to use the application and you get +20% bonus credits.
Step 3: Install and open the HitLeap Viewer.
Step 4: Click on “Traffic Exchange” in the HitLeap menu and press Start. 
You will be earning minutes by viewing websites that you could spend to bring traffic to your link later on. Don’t worry if it says “minutes earned: 0″ even if a few minutes had passed already. Sometimes it takes it a while to update and suddenly you could see “minutes earned: 5″. You don’t need to look at these websites because everything is automatic. Minimize it and it will keep earning you traffic. Now its time to convert that traffic into money
Step 5: Make a 4PTP account. 
On 4PTP you earn $1 per 1000 visitors you send to it. HitLeap will do it for you automatically, free and fast and 4PTP actually allows it so it is not against the rules.
Step 6: : Click on “Ptp” in the site menu. You will see your ptp link. Copy your ptp link and open HitLeap viewer. Go to “My Sites” and click on “+ Submit website into the Traffic Exchange”. Paste your ptp link there, leave everything as it is and click “Submit for review”. Now hover over the link with your mouse cursor and you will see a sign that says “Boost hits”, click it twice. This will make duplicates of your site and you will be earning faster.
Step 7: Go to “Traffic Exchange” again, click on “Start” and start making money on autopilot. You can minimize the HitLeap viewer and do something else on the PC or elswere. Go to bed and leave the PC running and it will still make you money.

How to make money online

 Online Home quick Income Started

ONLINE Home Income is a very useful website for the people who are looking to earn money online without investment. Our website offers 100% free investment online part time jobs from home for college students, house wives, part time jobs seekers, Retired people and those who need second income

  • A personal computer with Internet connection
  • Gmail account
  • PayPal or Payza account
  • Personal Bank account
  • Pancard  (Indian People)
  • Daily 3 - 4 Hrs willing to work

The way of  U are make money

  • Online Courses 
  • Website Design
  • Membership programs
  • Copywriting
  • Ghostwriting
  • Publishing
  • Book Launches
  • Royalties from my Books on Amazon
  • And MORE!


Technology is constantly evolving and maturing. It moves from a nascent,
undefined entity to one that is widely accepted and becomes so commonplace 
that we wonder how we ever functioned without it. 
Mobile and cloud are two prominent examples of such a journey. 
From businesses to individual consumers, everyone is connected to 
everyone, everywhere,all the time.
The Device 
The device mesh refers to an expanding set of endpoints people use to access applications and information or interact with people, social communities, governments and businesses. The device mesh includes mobile devices, wearable, consumer and home electronic devices, automotive devices and environmental devices — such as sensors in the Internet of Things (IoT).
"In the post-mobile world the focus shifts to the mobile user who is surrounded by a mesh of devices extending well beyond traditional mobile devices," said Mr. Cearley.
While devices are increasingly connected to back-end systems through various networks, they have often operated in isolation from one another. As the device mesh evolves, Gartner expects connection models to expand and greater cooperative interaction between devices to emerge.
Gartner recently released its list of the top 10 strategic technology trends for 2016. Gartner defines these trends as those with the potential for having a significant impact on the organization. Factors that denote significant impact include a high potential for disruption to the business, end users or IT; the need for a major investment; or the risk of being late to adopt.
"Gartner's top 10 strategic technology trends will shape digital business opportunities through 2020," said David Cearley, vice president and Gartner Fellow.

The Next Big thing? The memristor, a microscopic component that can "remember" electrical states even when turned off. It's expected to be far cheaper and faster than flash storage. A theoretical concept since 1971, it has now been built in labs and is already starting to revolutionize everything we know about computing, possibly making flash memory, RAM, and even hard drives obsolete within a decade.
Our Computer Information Systems – Information Technology program will teach you the skills you need to diagnose and fix computer hardware and software issues. You will learn how to communicate and analyze information related to information systems; design, install and maintain computer operating systems, hardware and software; create and implement databases; and solve programming problems. The skills you will learn will also prepare you for specialized certifications, such as Microsoft Office Specialist, Certified Internet Webmaster and Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator.
We love our mice, really we do. Sometimes, however, such as when we're sitting on the couch watching a DVD on a laptop, or when we're working across the room from an MP3-playing PC, it just isn't convenient to drag a hockey puck and click on what we want. Attempts to replace the venerable mouse--whether with voice recognition or brain-wave scanners--have invariably failed. But an                                                                                                   alternative is emerging.
This pressure provides vendors in the Global Gesture Recognition Market with an opportunity to design and capitalize on “mobile-friendly” gesture recognition applications for smartphones. In anticipation of these developments, TechNavio posts a CAGR of 26.4% for the market. 
The primary drivers for the expansion of gesture recognition technology in the smartphone market include:
  • User-friendliness of Gesture Recognition-enabled Devices
  • Gesture Recognition Allowing for Better Ergonomics
  • Gesture Recognition Providing Better Safety in the Automotive Sector
Though touch screen interfaces are sometimes cited as a more viable substitution for gesture recognition technology, the latter offers the following advantages, amongst many others:

  • Remote Controlling
    A number of accidents are caused every year by individuals attempting to adjust their phone’s media features while driving. Integrating gesture recognition into smartphones will allow users to control certain smart phone functions with simple hand movements, barring the need for taking one’s eyes off the road.
  • Sign Language Interpretation
    Gesture recognition will allow for the transcription of sign language into text, which could prove to be a monumental development for the users who are hearing or speech-impaired.
  • Immersive Game Technology
    Games account for the majority of paid app downloads by adults and teens and adults. Gesture recognition technology allows users to interact within games using hand and body movements, making for a much more immersive experience.


It was not all that long ago when classrooms were utterly devoid of modern technology. The most sophisticated devices that were supplied to teachers would be a cassette player -- still often in use -- the occasional projector, and even rarer still, a computer.
That is not to imply that educational establishments are not investing what they can in the next generation. Budgetary cuts, financial constraints, large class sizes and simple impracticality may all be reasons why more innovative tools and technology are not readily implemented across Western educational institutions.However, there is a shift towards                                                                     technology-based classrooms. From Apple striking deals with collegesNaturally, not all schools are able to provide modern technology for their students. However, those that can and are willing to invest in such devices may be interested in the next leap predicted to take firm hold in education within two to three years -- gesture-based technology.

What is ethical hacking

Ethical hacking

Ethical hacking refers to the act of locating weaknesses and vulnerabilities of computer and information systems by duplicating the intent and actions of malicious hackers.

 Ethical hacking is also known as penetration testing, intrusion testing, or red teaming

Ethical hacking is still considered hacking because it uses knowledge of computer systems in an attempt to in some way penetrate them or crash them. 

If black hat hacking was at a sufficiently criminal level, the black hat turned white hat may have served jail time before resuming a career in a more productive and positive way as an ethical hacker. 

The computer world is peopled with former black hats, who now hold ethical hacking jobs. Conversely, some white hats, such as Steve Wozniak, never committed any illegal acts, but simply possess the know-how and skills to analyze problems with any computer system.

What is the Best Way to Become a Hacker?

As said earlier, the best way to turn yourself into a hacker is to start from the basics. You will have to master the basics to build a strong foundation. And once this is done, you’ll be in a position to explore new ideas and start thinking like a hacker. You can follow the below mentioned steps to start off your career as a hacker.

Advantages of Ethical Hacking

Most of the benefits of ethical hacking are obvious, but many are overlooked. The benefits range from simply preventing malicious hacking to preventing national security breaches. The benefits include:
  • Fighting against terrorism and national security breaches
  • Having a computer system that prevents malicious hackers from gaining access
  • Having adequate preventative measures in place to prevent security breaches

Disadvantages of Ethical Hacking

As with all types of activities which have a darker side, there will be dishonest people presenting drawbacks. The possible drawbacks of 
ethical hacking include:

  • The ethical hacker using the knowledge they gain to do malicious hacking activities
  • Allowing the company’s financial and banking details to be seen
  • The possibility that the ethical hacker will send and/or place malicious code, viruses, malware and other destructive and harmful things on a computer system
  • Massive security breach

Advantages of Ethical Hacking

Most of the benefits of ethical hacking are obvious, but many are overlooked. The benefits range from simply preventing malicious hacking to preventing national security breaches. The benefits include:
  • Fighting against terrorism and national security breaches
  • Having a computer system that prevents malicious hackers from gaining access
  • Having adequate preventative measures in place to prevent security breaches

Disadvantages of Ethical Hacking

As with all types of activities which have a darker side, there will be dishonest people presenting drawbacks. The possible drawbacks of ethical hacking include:
  • The ethical hacker using the knowledge they gain to do malicious hacking activities
  • Allowing the company’s financial and banking details to be seen
  • The possibility that the ethical hacker will send and/or place malicious code, viruses, malware and other destructive and harmful things on a computer system
  • Massive security breach

How to secure data:-

1 -- i or l                                   |\| -- n

3 -- e                                         s -- z

4 -- a                                         c -- [

+ -- t                                        f -- ph

9 -- g                                       ph -- f

0 -- o                                      x -- ck

$ -- s

l -- i or l