How to make money on autopilot with step by step

Step 1: Make a HitLeap account.
Step 2: On the HitLeap website click at “Traffic Exchange” and Download the viewer application.
Alternatively, you can run it in your browser but it a lot more practical and safer to use the application and you get +20% bonus credits.
Step 3: Install and open the HitLeap Viewer.
Step 4: Click on “Traffic Exchange” in the HitLeap menu and press Start. 
You will be earning minutes by viewing websites that you could spend to bring traffic to your link later on. Don’t worry if it says “minutes earned: 0″ even if a few minutes had passed already. Sometimes it takes it a while to update and suddenly you could see “minutes earned: 5″. You don’t need to look at these websites because everything is automatic. Minimize it and it will keep earning you traffic. Now its time to convert that traffic into money
Step 5: Make a 4PTP account. 
On 4PTP you earn $1 per 1000 visitors you send to it. HitLeap will do it for you automatically, free and fast and 4PTP actually allows it so it is not against the rules.
Step 6: : Click on “Ptp” in the site menu. You will see your ptp link. Copy your ptp link and open HitLeap viewer. Go to “My Sites” and click on “+ Submit website into the Traffic Exchange”. Paste your ptp link there, leave everything as it is and click “Submit for review”. Now hover over the link with your mouse cursor and you will see a sign that says “Boost hits”, click it twice. This will make duplicates of your site and you will be earning faster.
Step 7: Go to “Traffic Exchange” again, click on “Start” and start making money on autopilot. You can minimize the HitLeap viewer and do something else on the PC or elswere. Go to bed and leave the PC running and it will still make you money.

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