Android 7.0 Nougat features:

Android 7.0 Nougat features:


Android N is going to be Android Nougat, not Android Nutshell, as many had hoped (just check the comments under Google’s tweet for confirmation). Based on other clues from Google I/O and in developer previews, we already knew the next major Android version would be Android 7.0 but now we can confirm it is 
Android 7.0 Nougat.

Android N is going to be Android Nougat, not Android Nutshell, as many had hoped (just check the comments under Google’s tweet for confirmation). Based on other clues from Google I/O and in developer previews, we already knew the next major Android version would be Android 7.0 but now we can confirm it is Android 7.0 Nougat.

Android N was known internally as New York Cheesecake and during the I/O keynote, users were invited to suggest names for Android N.

Android 7.0 Nougat Relies Date:

Rather than wait until Google I/O 2016, Google decided to surprise us all by releasing the first Android N developer preview on March 9, two full months earlier than expected. 

Available on: 

- Nexus Phone

-- Nexus 6P,
-- Nexus 5X,
-- Nexus 6, Nexus 9 (WI-Fi and LET) 

The final Android 7.0 Nougat release date has been  2016, giving Google until September 30 to make good on its timeline. This means that the Nexus 6P (2016) and Nexus 5X (2016) in new Nexus devices.

The final Android 7.0 release will be limited to Nexus devices at first and make its way to other manufacturer devices and carrier networks over the following six months or so. 


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